Family Connections Program
“The parent perspective is critical.”
PEAC’s Family Connections Program is the outgrowth of two initiatives: providing guest lectures at universities, and the Eastern Pennsylvania Higher Education Summit on Family Collaboration and Diverse Learners.
The Family Connections Program (FCP) provides teacher preparation programs at institutions of higher education with access to guest lecturers and resources that represent parent and family perspectives on special education and related topics. Through the FCP, parents of students with disabilities provide professional training and support to students and professors of education, psychology, speech pathology, etc. in order to encourage family-professional collaboration and the successful education of diverse learners. The FCP focuses on relevant teacher competency requirements as outlined in Chapter 49 of the Pennsylvania Administrative Code.

The Family Connections Program provides the following resources to students and university faculty:
- Pre-lecture materials, including selected readings based on the course level and subject area (e.g. graduate vs. undergraduate), a pre-test of student perceptions, and discussion questions that stimulate interest and address controversy.
- On-site lecture by a Parent Consultant followed by an open-ended discussion forum.
- Post-lecture reflective assignment and follow-up resources.
At this time PEAC is unable to provide guest speakers. For more information, please check out the FCP fact sheet or contact us at [email protected] or (267) 232-0570.